People Ask Me What I Write
Simple question, and you’d think there’d be a simple answer.
There isn’t.
For me, the process of writing is a journey to somewhere different. My stories are the messages I send back.
Check out my latest story in Lightspeed magazine
Motherhood, my latest story, is in the December 2019 issue of Lightspeed magazine. It’s a very short, very timely, and very angry story. And it’s free.
A few of my favorite longer pieces are also available free online. Check them out:
- Cold Comfort, a science fiction novella about the melting of the permafrost, reprinted in Clarkesworld Magazine.
- About Fairies, a fantasy of sorts, published on
- Inappropriate Behavior, science fiction with an attitude and approach that will most likely annoys most old-school science fiction readers.
Want to Know More?
Explore this website and check out my blog. If you like what you see, subscribe to the Brazen Hussies newsletter (see sidebar) to receive occasional missives about my work and the work of my fellow writers Michaela Roessner and Lisa Goldstein. We have banded together to promote our work like the brazen hussies we’d truly like to be.